Staff Development

At Zia Public High School, we believe that effective learning is where the learner is engaged and motivated to explore and investigate, develop skills, knowledge, and understanding, and can apply these with a sense of purpose, progress, and achievement in different contexts.

An academic staff needs to excel at constructive mentoring, understanding a child’s psyche, using interactive tools to teach complex ideas, and open interaction, etc. To a non-academic staff, it is quintessential to be skillful in coordination, communication, and management tasks, etc.

We are guided by our Zia Public High School Learning Statements:

Effective learning will take place when:

  • Learners understand what they are learning and why
  • Skills and understanding are being developed
  • Learning is engaging, challenging, and motivating
  • Learners feel safe, supported, and valued as part of a learning-centered environment
  • Learners are engaged both independently and collaboratively
  • Learners know how well they are doing and how to improve


To ensure that effective learning takes place, our teachers are engaged in continuous professional development using the best practice from around the world – we push boundaries to challenge the status quo, engaging the latest technologies to transform learning.